The Curious Case of the Confederate Vampire Trope

Them good old boys were drinking whiskey and A+ blood bags.

By Meg Shields

Welcome to The Queue — your daily distraction of curated video content sourced from across the web. Today, we’re watching a video essay that explores the persistent media phenomenon of the confederate vampire.

You know what they say, two confederate vampires is a coincidence, but three’s a trend.

Okay, so nobody is saying that. But to bum a quote from a kids’ show: if I had a nickel for every confederate vampire, I’d have three nickels … which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened thrice.While I do think we’ve moved further away from the “everything teen girls like is less-than” mentality that defined the early 2000s, it would be foolish to say that we’ve fully outgrown the prejudice. (Lindsay Ellis’ “Dear Stephenie Meyer” is a great watch that addresses this). Emotion-driven commercial fiction aimed at young girls is an easy target for vitriol. So it makes sense that the more nuanced, good-faith discussions around this kind of media would fly under the radar for so long. Or, more realistically, take so long to reach non-Black, non-American folks.

The video essay below goes in deep on why vampire fiction and romanticized “Lost Cause” propaganda keep meeting in dark alleys: where it started, how it gets rationalized, and why it’s dangerous.

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