effect on the process of writhing on the cinema

Estimated read time 4 min read

by Saman Sadeqi

Capableness of the art of production in the movie “Paradise” shot by Ali Atshani Undoubtedly, it should be said the modern art of production and the actions taken in could be a wonderful experience for both the film and the director. In this popular and fancy art, a fundamental and correlated production alongside the film production- which is not only based on profit and wealth- would be the key for creating valuable opuses; in addition, would result in the emergence of very influential characters on the director’s position. During some years, while Iran’s independent cinema has been being involved in the process of producing these cultural products, many samples of making good, creative and memorable films could be figured out in its glorious career within which without a sophisticated and concerned producer, the country’s seventh art would not have included the present opuses. Therefore, a wide range of audience would lose the opportunity of watching and understanding a well content opus of the cinema.
What is being rendered in the following is the review of the one of these producers’ footprints who is actually an inventive artist being able to create the best films in the history of the country’s cinema due to their talent and art.An analysis of production’s capacities and capabilities and its From Mehdi Moniri’s admirable production in the audiences’ unforgettable movie “Paradise” by Ali Atshani in 2014, until apparently observing the presence of an intelligent producer, familiar with the tools of the entertainment industry, in “Haft Khan TV show” as well as other trials, it could be said that some Iranian designers and producers, with adequate knowledge of audience’s taste and media tools, are able to either draw the audience to the box office of cinema halls or make them sit in front of the television for hours and hours. One of these active and dynamic producers, who have a lot to say, is Mehdi Moniri.This opus, directed by Ali Atshani, sponsored and produced by Mehdi Moniri, displays two young Islamic seminary students’ life style who,through a virtual communication with a young German female student, are invited to an argumentative meeting in her country for exchanging thoughts and ideas about the Islamic world and Abrahamic religions. They take the trip with the school’s spiritual manager’s accompany.Then, it is the beginning of the story…This film was not only screened at the 35th Fajr Film Festival but also participated in various festivals in America, Canada, England, India, etc. resulting in winning various awards from the best film and directorial aspects. The movie was unfortunately banned for three years; after the screening license’s issuance it faced restricted and inappropriate screening space,and many protests and contradictory views. Although all these predicaments turned a blind eye to its content, technic and form aspects, Mehdi Moniri’s bright capacities of working as a producer were taken into attention- he had produced a different opus with his own sum under the exposure of enormously heavy political pressures. His movie was noticed in Iran, Germany and Spain.He is such a producer who not only is known in the cinema’s dreamy and novel cinema but also is respected by many audiences,cinemagoers and critics due to the production of some TV shows like “Haft Khan”- he has been regarded as one of the true capable producers with a distinct view.This feature introduced him as a designer and producer who is welcomed by TV and the cinema enthusiasts, particularly by critics and journalists.He is considered a significant potential in the country’s TV and the cinema whose technical capabilities were demonstrated within production of some movies like “Paradise”, “Papery Dream” and TV show “Haft Khan”.It would be mentioned that the design of the idea, the method of making and the impressive technical production in Ali Atshani’s film was so successful and influential that aroused the appreciation of some members of the Academy of Cinematic Arts and Sciences in some countries and international festivals.With the meager amount of knowledge and information in the field of cinema, it could be realized that the regular coordination in production and localization of filmmaking knowledge are in closed correlation with an insightful producer’s knowledge whose accomplishments are to be scored a great credit. His standards are resulting from all his capabilities in production field.Selecting affluent-content scripts resulting firstly in the right structure rhythm, selecting creative people for filming,make-up and costume design who often carry an acceptable level in Iran cinema, and selecting the most admirable directors have made him victorious producer. To the end, it would be acknowledged that Mehdi Moniri’s production art is full of innovation and creativity which manifests the presence of an insightful and good fortune in the world’s future cinema.

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