10 Trends Predicted In Film Making For 2014

by: seamedu admin

The year 2013 saw some huge changes in the trends of film making which made many wonder about what was in store for the year 2014. Predictions were made and listed. Here are a few of the them and the logic behind them.

Trends That Film Making Will See for 2014
Mini Content Marketing and Online Video

Brands have stepping away from the traditional marketing methods and getting into the sphere of mini content using short form social media like twitter and Instagram. Video viewing and sharing online has grown in multi-folds. Short films have better reach to the audience. And brands have been using this to their advantage in creating short films to increase customer engagement and loyalty through the other social platforms like twitter or Instagram. No wonder digital video and corporate film production is seeing a rise in demand!

Video on Demand Everywhere

Video on demand companies like Netfilx are gearing up to rule the world. Soon people all across the world will have access to on demand movies in the languages that they choose. What does this mean for independent movies? The funds will then come from a different place all together. Pre-sales will no longer occur on the basis of local distributors but it will be made to the VOD Company!

Entry of the Advertisers

You might think that you are getting rid of the advertisers but it is far from the truth. Since, they are being pushed out of the television, they are getting into films and film making. After the success of the transformers franchise, Hasbro jumped in board for the battleship franchise and even opened up its own studio too. How far behind do you think the remaining companies are? There will be a rise in direct ownership and funding without a doubt/

Entry of the ‘Retailers’

Everybody has wanted the middlemen gone for a while. With the technology now available, it is actually possible. Creation of content by companies that are directly connected the customers, or as they have been dubbed, the retailers are one of the many latest threats to film studios and other middlemen. But can they manage to overpower the studios?

Optical Fibres

Congestion, the single most troubling impediment to networking these days. Faster applications, computer, and more number of people on shared networks are bound to create some hiccups. But thanks to the development of the optical fibres, speed of transmission has seen quite a rise. It has put the movie industry on par with the music industry. But what next?

The Passing Away of the Film

Fujifilm announced in 2013 that is no longer going to produce films reinforcing the fact that the digital times are here to stay. Digital movies are more cost effective. But the conversion truly began to take over when independent and smaller theatres shut down their 35mm projections and moved to install digital projectors. Are the films really going to disappear completely? Is there still some hope for their survival?

3D Film Making

As technology grows, so does film making. Manufacturers have no choices but to keeping pushing limits to stay in the game. This is exactly what happened with 3D movies. The technology came out and despite the fact that many complained on not liking the glasses, crowds still gathered at every release. The number of movies made in 3D today are far more than what was made in the early years put together.

Tweet-TV Alliance

Twitter and the TV have been in a steady relationship for quite a while now. Then why not take it a step further? NBC universal teamed up with Comcast and Twitter to integrate a See it feature that allows one to demand for movies, shows, and whatever else they please with just a tweet!

Enhanced Cinema Experience

When you get movies on demand at home and technology has advanced enough to set up theatre systems at home, why would anyone want to go a theatre? That is why technology now has its focus on turning the theatre into an experience. 3D sound where the sound comes from different directions adding to the effect of a 3D movie and 4D chairs that move in connection with the film are here, at least they are already present in Japan. How long do you think before the rest of the world catches up?


There are already so many video apps out there. What put Cameo a step ahead than the rest? It is the only one that allows you to produce content for a time frame of up to 2 minutes in a great quality, 720p HD. You can actually be a producer of a short film. The best part however is the cloud storage and the real time collaboration that it allows.

These are some of the most strongly believed trend predictions in film making for this year. The year is about to end. Let us see how many of them actually materialise.

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